I sort of feel like I'm finally coming into my stride as regards landscapes. I finally have all the gear I've been lusting after for the last couple of years: an ultra-wide angle lens, a decent tripod, a remote shutter release and a set of filters, but more importantly, I can, to an extent, pre-visualise a scene. I think I'm beginning to look at a scene, and immediately see whether the conditions make it worthwhile dropping everything and taking out the camera (and risking the wrath of your better half!), or just driving on and coming back another day. This Saturday in Doolin was definitely one of the former. There was a dark, brooding sky, lots of movement in the sea and great colours from the sunset. It was one of the rare occasions in the year when the stars align and I find myself at the coast, in the right weather conditions at the right time. Even though I hadn't planned anything, when I saw it I knew I just had to forget about everything else - I had been driving for 2 1/2 hours and was starving - and see if I could get some shots. In the space of less than an hour I had taken some of my favourite shots of the year so far. Here are two, and I'll probably post a few more over the coming days: