Sunday, March 11, 2007

Ok, I've had enough now...

Please rain, you have had your fun now. It's been raining for at least six years non-stop now, and I should know because I've counted. Dripfollowsdropfollowsdripfollowsdrop: yes we know it's all fun and games to you, but constant pelting us with The Wet has started to become just a tiny bit irksome. Especially when you're in the place W.B. Yeats walked for many years, living off the kindness of Lady Gregory (that poor woman what was she thinking?), getting inspiration to write some of the most hackneyed (but undoubtedly beautiful) poetry ever written about Ireland. When you're somewhere like this and all you can muster up is some crappy photos taken from under a shelter messing around with long-exposures and the zoom ring...

So rain, if you are still there in the morning when I finally want to get up of my arse and take some photos at dawn of the lovely University Of Limerick, I will be most aggreived and possibly have to take the matter further with your immediate supervisor. So there...